Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beauty is close by

Went for a hike on the land next to the house today for the exercise. Sure glad I took the camera, Saw alot of Monarch butterflies and a couple flowers i haven't seen before. One we identified as great blue lobelia but cannot identify the white flower. Cant find it in any of the books we have.It was all by itself


Plants Amaze Me said...

Wow, nice photos flowerdave! And I really like the title because it's so true.
I just had a Monarch emerge from the chrysalis and have another one ready to come out in the next few days.
Thanks for the post. :)

Dave said...

thanks, Plants amaze me. i can no longer view your blog it says it is private and i need to ask to be invited. i am asking for that. i enjoy it so much

Atypical Bong । পিকু said...

wow, all the pictures are gr8. you are a lucky guy , in the sense that you get to be with nature so much so nicely which for me here at Dumdum,Kolkata is a rare treasure...